Þann 1. og 2. Október 2013 var haldin vinnufundur í húsakynnum Matís í Reykjavík um veiðarfæri og aflameðferð (New technology for the Nordic fishing fleet: Fishing gear and effective catch handling). Að skipulagningu fundarins komu auk Matís, Havstovan í Færeyjum, Sintef í Noregi og CATch-fish í Danmörku. Fundurinn var styrktur af AG-fisk (Working group for fisheries co-operation), sem er undirstofnun Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar.
Vinnufundinn sóttu um 50 manns frá níu löndum og var meðal annar boðið upp á 19 fyrirlestra þar sem fjallað var um nýlegar rannsóknir og þróun í veiðarfærum og aflameðferð.
Hér fyrir neðan má sjá dagskrá vinnufundarins og upptökur af fyrirlestrunum.
October 1st
8:45 | Registration and coffee |
9:00 | Welcome by Hörður Kristinsson, Research Director of Matís ohf |
9:05 | Welcome by AG-fisk, Leon Smith from Havstovan & AG |
9:10 | Welcome and “housekeeping” by Jonas R. Viðarsson, project coordinator |
Session 1: Selectiveness of fishing gear | |
9:20 | Development of a new ecological selective cod trawl for the BalticJan Montin from X-Chain System AB and STPO (Sweden) |
9:40 | Selection in mid-water trawl fisheries for cod Dr. Eduardo Grimaldo from Sintef (Norway) |
10:00 | The fish selector by Star-Oddi Sigmar Guðbjörnsson from Star-Oddi (Iceland) |
10:20 | Dynex warp and its use in fishingHaraldur Árnason Hampiðjan (Iceland) |
10:40 | Are design or the size of the trawl affecting the codend selectivity?Haraldur Einarsson from Icelandic MRI (Iceland) |
11:00 | Group discussions |
11:30 | Presentation and plenary discussions |
12:15 | Lunch |
Session 2: Environmental impacts of fishing gear | |
13:00 | Gear development for an industry driven fishery managementincluding challenges to develop harvest strategies to meet discard ban and eco-labelling. Staffan Larson from STPO (Sweden) |
13:20 | Fuel efficiency and fisheries’ carbon footprint reduction Antonello Sala from CNR-ISMAR (Italy) |
13:40 | Redesign of trawls and raised doors in demersal trawling gives large reduction in environmental footprint Ulrik Jes Hansen from CATch-Fish (Denmark) |
14:00 | The light trawlHalla Jónsdóttir from Innovation Centre Iceland (Iceland) |
14:20 | Group discussions |
14:45 | Presentation and plenary discussions |
Session 3: Improve fishing gear to minimize cost and improve quality | |
15:20 | Developments on trawl technology, seen from a netmakers viewKristjan Zachariassen from Vonin Ltd. (Faroe Islands) |
15:40 | Effects of fishing gear on quality – the SEQUID projectDaphné Deloof from ILVO (Belgium) |
16:00 | Coastal fisheries in the N-Atlantic – project introduction Jónas R. Viðarsson from Matís (Iceland) |
16:20 | Autoline fisheries – Investments in efficiency and quality Arne Tennøy from Mustad longline (Norway) |
16:40 | Group discussions |
17:15 | Presentation and plenary discussions |
18:00 | Summing up |
October 2nd
Session 4: Effective catch handling | |
9:00 | Effective catch handling systems for cod, haddock and Saithe Dr. Hanne Digre from SINTEF (Norway) |
9:20 | Mackerel pump system Hardi Hansen from Varðin Pelagic (Faroe Islands) |
9:40 | New concept for gentle and effective catch handling and storage of pelagic fish onboard Dr. Ida G. Aursand from SINTEF (Norway) |
10:00 | Redesign of demersal wetfish trawler processing decksSæmundur Elíasson from Matís and Torfi Þorsteinsson from HB Grandi(Iceland) |
10:20 | The CRISP project Jónas R. Viðarsson from Matís (Iceland) |
10:40 | Electrical stunning_is it an alternative for captured fish? Hans Van De Vis from IMARES (Netherlands) |
11:00 | Group discussions |
11:30 | Presentation and plenary discussions |
12:15 | Lunch |
13:00 | Wrap up |
13:15 | Industry meets scientists (participants are given the opportunity to have private meetings among each other) |
15:00 | Finish |